
SQL Server 和 MongoDB 中参照操作的特殊规则


  • 如果关系链导致循环或多个级联路径,Microsoft SQL Server 不允许在外键上使用级联参照操作。如果外键上的参照操作设置为 NO ACTION(或当 Prisma ORM 管理参照完整性时为 NoAction)以外的其他值,则服务器将在执行 SQL 时检查循环或多个级联路径并返回错误。

  • 对于 MongoDB,在 Prisma ORM 中使用参照操作要求,对于任何具有自参照关系或三个模型之间循环的数据模型,您必须将参照操作设置为 NoAction,以防止参照操作模拟无限循环。请注意,默认情况下,MongoDB 使用 relationMode = "prisma" 模式,这意味着 Prisma ORM 管理参照完整性

给定 SQL

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Employee] (
[managerId] INT,
CONSTRAINT [PK__Employee__id] PRIMARY KEY ([id])

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Employee]
ADD CONSTRAINT [FK__Employee__managerId]
FOREIGN KEY ([managerId]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Employee]([id])

当运行 SQL 时,数据库将抛出以下错误

Introducing FOREIGN KEY constraint 'FK__Employee__managerId' on table 'Employee' may cause cycles or multiple cascade paths. Specify ON DELETE NO ACTION or ON UPDATE NO ACTION, or modify other FOREIGN KEY constraints.

在更复杂的数据模型中,查找级联路径可能会变得复杂。因此,在 Prisma ORM 中,数据模型在生成任何将在任何迁移期间运行的 SQL 之前进行验证,突出显示作为路径一部分的关联。这使得查找和断开这些操作链变得更加容易。

自关联 (SQL Server 和 MongoDB)

以下模型描述了一个自关联,其中 Employee 可以有经理和被管理者,引用同一模型的条目。

model Employee {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
manager Employee? @relation(name: "management", fields: [managerId], references: [id])
managees Employee[] @relation(name: "management")
managerId Int?


Error parsing attribute "@relation": A self-relation must have `onDelete` and `onUpdate` referential actions set to `NoAction` in one of the @relation attributes. (Implicit default `onDelete`: `SetNull`, and `onUpdate`: `Cascade`)

通过不定义任何操作,Prisma ORM 将使用以下默认值,具体取决于底层标量字段是否设置为可选或必需。


由于上述关联中 onUpdate 的默认参照操作将为 Cascade,而 onDelete 的默认参照操作将为 SetNull,因此会创建一个循环,解决方案是将 onUpdateonDelete 值显式设置为 NoAction

model Employee {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
manager Employee @relation(name: "management", fields: [managerId], references: [id])
manager Employee @relation(name: "management", fields: [managerId], references: [id], onDelete: NoAction, onUpdate: NoAction)
managees Employee[] @relation(name: "management")
managerId Int

三个表之间的循环关联 (SQL Server 和 MongoDB)

以下模型描述了 ChickenEggFox 之间的循环关联,其中每个模型都引用另一个模型。

model Chicken {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
egg Egg @relation(fields: [eggId], references: [id])
eggId Int
predators Fox[]

model Egg {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
predator Fox @relation(fields: [predatorId], references: [id])
predatorId Int
parents Chicken[]

model Fox {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
meal Chicken @relation(fields: [mealId], references: [id])
mealId Int
foodStore Egg[]


第一个错误在 Chicken 模型中的关联 egg

Error parsing attribute "@relation": Reference causes a cycle. One of the @relation attributes in this cycle must have `onDelete` and `onUpdate` referential actions set to `NoAction`. Cycle path: Chicken.egg → Egg.predator → Fox.meal. (Implicit default `onUpdate`: `Cascade`)

第二个错误在 Egg 模型中的关联 predator

Error parsing attribute "@relation": Reference causes a cycle. One of the @relation attributes in this cycle must have `onDelete` and `onUpdate` referential actions set to `NoAction`. Cycle path: Egg.predator → Fox.meal → Chicken.egg. (Implicit default `onUpdate`: `Cascade`)

第三个错误在 Fox 模型中的关联 meal

Error parsing attribute "@relation": Reference causes a cycle. One of the @relation attributes in this cycle must have `onDelete` and `onUpdate` referential actions set to `NoAction`. Cycle path: Fox.meal → Chicken.egg → Egg.predator. (Implicit default `onUpdate`: `Cascade`)

由于关联字段是必需的,因此 onDelete 的默认参照操作为 NoAction,但 onUpdate 的默认参照操作为 Cascade,这会导致参照操作循环。解决方案是在任何一个关联中将 onUpdate 值设置为 NoAction

model Chicken {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
egg Egg @relation(fields: [eggId], references: [id])
egg Egg @relation(fields: [eggId], references: [id], onUpdate: NoAction)
eggId Int
predators Fox[]

model Egg {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
predator Fox @relation(fields: [predatorId], references: [id])
predator Fox @relation(fields: [predatorId], references: [id], onUpdate: NoAction)
predatorId Int
parents Chicken[]

model Fox {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
meal Chicken @relation(fields: [mealId], references: [id])
meal Chicken @relation(fields: [mealId], references: [id], onUpdate: NoAction)
mealId Int
foodStore Egg[]

两个模型之间的多个级联路径 (仅限 SQL Server)


model User {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
comments Comment[]
posts Post[]

model Post {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
authorId Int
author User @relation(fields: [authorId], references: [id])
comments Comment[]

model Comment {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
writtenById Int
postId Int
writtenBy User @relation(fields: [writtenById], references: [id])
post Post @relation(fields: [postId], references: [id])

此数据模型中的问题是,从 CommentUser 有两条路径,以及两个关联中的默认 onUpdate 操作都是 Cascade。这导致两个验证错误

第一个错误在关联 writtenBy

Error parsing attribute "@relation": When any of the records in model `User` is updated or deleted, the referential actions on the relations cascade to model `Comment` through multiple paths. Please break one of these paths by setting the `onUpdate` and `onDelete` to `NoAction`. (Implicit default `onUpdate`: `Cascade`)

第二个错误在关联 post

Error parsing attribute "@relation": When any of the records in model `User` is updated or deleted, the referential actions on the relations cascade to model `Comment` through multiple paths. Please break one of these paths by setting the `onUpdate` and `onDelete` to `NoAction`. (Implicit default `onUpdate`: `Cascade`)

该错误意味着通过更新 User 模型中记录的主键,更新将通过 writtenBy 关联在 CommentUser 之间级联一次,并由于 PostComment 模型相关联,再次通过 post 关联从 Post 模型级联。

解决方法是在 writtenBypost 关联字段中,或者通过更改 author 关联中的操作,从 Post 模型中将 onUpdate 参照操作设置为 NoAction

model Comment {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
writtenById Int
postId Int
writtenBy User @relation(fields: [writtenById], references: [id])
writtenBy User @relation(fields: [writtenById], references: [id], onUpdate: NoAction)
post Post @relation(fields: [postId], references: [id])

model Comment {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
writtenById Int
postId Int
writtenBy User @relation(fields: [writtenById], references: [id])
post Post @relation(fields: [postId], references: [id])
post Post @relation(fields: [postId], references: [id], onUpdate: NoAction)

model Post {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
authorId Int
author User @relation(fields: [authorId], references: [id])
author User @relation(fields: [authorId], references: [id], onUpdate: NoAction)
comments Comment[]